Your 3-month membership entitles you to:
- Access to one free On Demand (pre-recorded) class per month ($24 value per class) – over 50 classes available.
- $2.00 discount on any additional Virtual classes including Live via Zoom – no limit to how many times you can use your discount code (but it can only be used by you).
- $10.00 discount on any In Person Classes
- Exclusive membership in our members-only Art of Cheesemaking Facebook Forum. This group will give you a platform to show off your cheeses and ask questions of the Art of Cheese instructors as well as other experienced cheesemaking students. Share recipes and tips with each other, get feedback, and make new “cheesy” friends all over the world!
- Access to our weekly “Cheese Chat” sessions via Zoom where you’ll receive group mentoring and troubleshooting advice as you’re learning to make your own cheeses.
for 3 months!