Cheesemaking classes in Longmont and beyond!
TO REGISTER: Click on a class title to get detailed information about that class. Then click the REGISTER HERE link to sign up!
Don’t see the class you want scheduled at a convenient time for you? Create your own PRIVATE EVENT or take our ON DEMAND classes and learn how to make the cheeses you want when you want to!
Raclette is named after the French word “racler” which roughly means “to scrape”. This cheese is a semi-firm washed-rind Alpine cheese that is traditionally melted and “scraped” over vegetables, pickles, or even sausage. It is absolutely delicious: a little funky, salty, creamy and so fun to enjoy with your favorite accoutrement.
This live, interactive session will happen at 2:00 p.m. MT on October 18, 2020, and will be taught by Certified Cheese Professional, Kelly Liebrock. But don’t worry if you can’t attend the session at that time! A recording will be available for you to watch at your convenience shortly after the class.
Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Register at the link below
Step 2: Once you register, you’ll receive an e-mail with links to the session and recipes which includes a list of equipment and ingredients needed (and where to source them).
Step 3: If you don’t already have it, download the Zoom software onto your computer or personal devise. It’s easy and it’s free and you’ll find it at
Step 4: On the date and time of your class, simply click on the link to attend the session and start learning! Or if you can’t make it at that time, watch the recorded session which will be e-mailed to you at the conclusion of the class and you can watch it at your leisure.
Your registration fee includes:
Special Ingredients and Equipment Needed:
Milk, Mesophilic Culture, Brevibacterium linens Rennet, Salt
Hard Cheese Mold/Form (we like New England Cheesemaking Supply’s Hard Cheese Mold Small (M3) for 1 gallon or Hard Cheese Mold Medium (M28) for 2-4 gallons, or Hard Cheese Mold Large (M2) for 5-7 gallons, Press with 5-15 pounds, Aging Refrigerator
Don’t see the class you want scheduled at a time convenient for you? Now you can order classes On Demand and watch them at your convenience!
CLASSES ON DEMAND (for more options CLICK HERE):
for more options CLICK HERE