Cheesemaking classes in Longmont and beyond!
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Don’t see the class you want scheduled at a convenient time for you? Create your own PRIVATE EVENT or take our ON DEMAND classes and learn how to make the cheeses you want when you want to!
Come to one or both days of this two-day bootcamp and learn how to make up to a dozen different cheeses! On the first day we’ll cover the basics and make several quick and easy beginner cheeses. We’ll continue on the second day with intermediate level cheeses that take a little more time and a little more equipment, but are still quite simple and they don’t even require a special aging facility (you can age these cheeses in a regular refrigerator if needed). Attend just one day and you’ll receive your Bronze Level Certification; attend both days and you’ll be Silver-Level Certified. We’ll provide lunch with wine and dessert each day.
Here’s what we tentatively have planned (subject to slight changes):
Day One:
We’ll also take a tour of the Haystack Mountain Creamery where our classroom is located
Day Two:
We’ll conclude this day with a field trip to Briar Gate Farm to meet the goats that inspired The Art of Cheese
Due to low enrollment, this class is on hold. Please e-mail if you are interested in taking it to find out the status. Thanks!
Don’t see the class you want scheduled at a time convenient for you? Now you can order classes On Demand and watch them at your convenience!
CLASSES ON DEMAND (for more options CLICK HERE):
for more options CLICK HERE